“B&D has taught me a lot since working here. Each year I feel I learn several new things, and I feel as though I continue to grow within my position as a person and employee.” -Alissa Todd
“B&D supervisors, coworkers, office staff, and even clients have made it a smooth process to adapt to changes and learning my role here. It has been a welcoming environment.”
“I value all the things I have learned and all the opportunities I’ve had with B&D. These are things I wouldn’t have had working anywhere else.” -Lee Claypool
“My supervisor supports me in regards to my career. My supervisor directs in my growth as an employee.” -Lee Claypool

Congratulations Becki!
One of our peer-nominees that we submitted to IACP was selected as an awardee of the IACP DSP award and was honored at an award ceremony event on Monday in Ames.
Congratulations Becki Davis, we are beyond proud of you and so thankful to have you on our team!
The 4 DSPs with the most peer nominations were submitted to IACP. We celebrated these DSPs with a certificate and attendance at the IACP DSP Summit held in Ames on Monday, September 9th, kicking off DSP Appreciation Week.
Congratulations Nicole Higgins, Brittany Kern, Allison Gengler, and Becki Davis! Thank you for your dedication to our individuals and team!
IACP Direct Support Professional Awards- Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) play a vital role in enhancing the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. Their dedication, compassion, and commitment make a significant difference in the lives of those they support. This award celebrates their hard work, resilience, and the positive impact they have on our community.

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Our caring staff will work hard to develop a plan to meet your needs and assist you in coordinating your care with other healthcare providers.